Okay, okay, so it's been over a month since I've updated this. Sorry! Sometimes I get convinced that no one reads it but then I get complaints so here I am back again. Hope everyone had a great Christmas, Hannukah and New Year. We were very lucky to spend Christmas with my family in South Carolina this year. After the ordeal of getting there, (flight cancellation, being hung up on by a CS rep, spending 5+ hours in the Memphis airport - fun with an 18 month old, flying into a different airport) we finally made it out of the cold and snow and were thrilled to be on the hidden gem of Fripp Island. As always, it was great spending the week with my sisters, brother, mom, nieces, nephews... We walked on the beach, cruised around in golf carts, played cards and games and discovered that the deer would come and eat out of our hands. That was amazing! Kyle even got to feed the deer. The weather was warm enough that the kids went swimming in the outdoor pool on Christmas Day - no adults joined them, but we enjoyed being outside in summer clothes on Christmas! We had a great time and would love to go back. We're especially glad Beth drove and was able to bring home all the piles of gifts for us.

All the Crittenden cousins

Our amazing home away from home on Fripp

Kyle at the pool on Christmas Day - he never made it in the water though

Kyle feeding one of Santa's reindeer

This deer really liked Brad

Kyle on the beach

Kyle and Chloe at the pier
New Year's was uneventful but fun. We all went out to a Japanese steak house for dinner and headed home where Brad and I played the Wii until midnight! We had a great time and made it up to see 2009 enter in. Can't believe it's already 2009 - that means Brad and I have officially been together for 15 years - almost half my life!!
We celebrated with the Gates side of the family on New Year's Day - so fun to have all the cousins together! The holidays always fly by and now we're on to the loooong months of cold, snow, and ice. We're planning on taking Kyle sledding soon - hopefully he likes it a little more than he did last year!
I miss SC, and fripp island!
me too!!
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